Sunday, November 25, 2012

Defy Gravity

It's incredible what clay artists are capable of doing. It seems as if this sculpture took weeks to create. I enjoy this unique balancing clay sculpture.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Laszlo Tompa

I dare you to try and make something like this Jim!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

More UIMA artists

Here is another ceramic piece at the UIMA that I saw that I thought was incredibly interesting:

Turquoise Inlet by Wayne Higby, 1983.

It wasn't necessarily the shape of the pottery that intrigued me, but the glaze (painting?) style on the outside. It seems incredibly detailed. I would assume this style was planned as opposed to just randomly painting it with glaze. It kind of looks like desert mountains against a blue sky, doesn't it?
This is one of the most interesting texture pieces that I've seen. I think this would be really cool to texture a piece with, but I wonder how one would go about doing this?

Sunday, November 4, 2012

I really enjoy the glazing techniques that this artist uses. They are very colorful and give a watercolor effect. I have been looking into different glazing ideas to use on my own pieces. I hope to create some pieces that are similar to this.

I love these clay works by Lucinda Brown. Her signiture trait is sculpting faces into her art pieces. These ones are so beatiful and delicate. I am curious as to how she created them.. Anyone have any ideas? I would love to be at this level one day, although this would take loads of skill..